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Eugene J. V.
Bearded since: 2000.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Starting growing my beard when I saw the movie [i]Gladiator[/i]. Never looked back since then.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel more confident with facial hair. I used to wear a full beard, but these days just a "Van Dyke" as it tended to look a bit scruffy. When I shaved my beard off in 2002, I felt naked without it. Thankfully it grew back within a few weeks.
Keywords: full_beard

Eugene J. V.

Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Starting growing my beard when I saw the movie Gladiator. Never looked back since then.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel more confident with facial hair. I used to wear a full beard, but these days just a "Van Dyke" as it tended to look a bit scruffy. When I shaved my beard off in 2002, I felt naked without it. Thankfully it grew back within a few weeks.

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