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Dale G.
Bearded since: March 2008.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

First and foremost I am a Muslim. So that played the biggest part in me growing my beard. Another compelling reason is I was sick and tired of styling my facial hair and shaving. I wanted to feel and look like a man.

How do I feel about my beard?  I love it. I love the feeling it gives me when I look at it in the mirror. I like the compliments I get from others.  A lot of people think I can pull off a beard and no one else can, which makes me feel good. Also, it has paved the way for me to become more religious.  The beard was a small stepping stone to bigger and better things.
Keywords: chin_curtain

Dale G.

Bearded since: March 2008. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

First and foremost I am a Muslim. So that played the biggest part in me growing my beard. Another compelling reason is I was sick and tired of styling my facial hair and shaving. I wanted to feel and look like a man.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. I love the feeling it gives me when I look at it in the mirror. I like the compliments I get from others. A lot of people think I can pull off a beard and no one else can, which makes me feel good. Also, it has paved the way for me to become more religious. The beard was a small stepping stone to bigger and better things.

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