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Benjamin Lee Charles K.
Bearded since: 2006.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

In addition to being a major fan of fantasy characters such as Gimli and any other bearded hero, I have always appreciated the look of bearded men. So, logically, I did my best to join the bearded crowd as soon as I could.
How do I feel about my beard? The beard you see here has been growing for four months now, and overall I am content with it. It has yet to rival the nine-month beard that I brutally hacked off in April due to female pressures.  But it is coming along nicely. Similar to many men on, I wish on occasion that it could be thicker, yet it remains quintessentially "me".
Keywords: chin_curtain

Benjamin Lee Charles K.

Bearded since: 2006. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

In addition to being a major fan of fantasy characters such as Gimli and any other bearded hero, I have always appreciated the look of bearded men. So, logically, I did my best to join the bearded crowd as soon as I could.

How do I feel about my beard? The beard you see here has been growing for four months now, and overall I am content with it. It has yet to rival the nine-month beard that I brutally hacked off in April due to female pressures. But it is coming along nicely. Similar to many men on, I wish on occasion that it could be thicker, yet it remains quintessentially "me".

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