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Bearded since: 1974.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I originally grew my beard to help cover my acne when I was just twenty-one. I liked the look as I outgrew the acne phase and have kept it, neatly trimmed most of the time, since 1974. 

I like the confident, mature look my beard gives me. I can't imagine me being me without it.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1974. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I originally grew my beard to help cover my acne when I was just twenty-one. I liked the look as I outgrew the acne phase and have kept it, neatly trimmed most of the time, since 1974.

I like the confident, mature look my beard gives me. I can't imagine me being me without it.

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