William Lagerquist
Bearded since: 2006. I am an experimental beard grower.
I started growing my beard as a convenience of not shaving and it escalated into a protest-ish teenage rebellion against my parents, who showed no support at all. In fact, they are against it. And that aside, I've wanted to grow a beard for ages.
And since I'm new to this, I still can't call myself a dedicated/permanent beard grower or even an occasional beard grower. But I'm getting there! I'm in the middle of the third month (I think,) and I haven't been trimming it at all! Only shaping it.
I like it. I'm not much for caring about my apperance, but I think this beard has made me better looking. And it's really comfy, I love playing with it! I think it's quite thick and full now. I'm really happy with it, though I'm considering changing style - but I really like my skäpparkrans, as it's called in Swedish. :)
And, as you can see in this picture -- I've just taken a shower, so my beard is wet. I really like the colour and texture of my wet beard. Also, this picture was taken a few hours -- and after, as I mentioned, a shower -- after a drinking binge, so I look more like an insane zombie than I usually do. ^^;;