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Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Started my own business.  So didn't need to keep clean shaven for the "corporate boss"'. Experimented with the odd goatee in the past, but it didn't really suit.  So thought a fuller one might work?

How do I feel about my beard? I love it! My wife wasn't too sure at first, but if I threaten to lose it, I get told, "Noooooo!!" Having no hair on top of my barnet meant getting ready (pre-beard) was a quick shave and one bottle of shower gel.  Now having a beard means oiling it up, trimming, and 'tache waxing. A beard is a big commitment!!

Get a lot of positive comments, especially when I visit the USA. And to those who have anything negative to say, my response is "If your dad didn't have a beard (or 'tache), you've got two mums!" Thank you, "The Beards".
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Started my own business. So didn't need to keep clean shaven for the "corporate boss"'. Experimented with the odd goatee in the past, but it didn't really suit. So thought a fuller one might work?

How do I feel about my beard? I love it! My wife wasn't too sure at first, but if I threaten to lose it, I get told, "Noooooo!!" Having no hair on top of my barnet meant getting ready (pre-beard) was a quick shave and one bottle of shower gel. Now having a beard means oiling it up, trimming, and 'tache waxing. A beard is a big commitment!!

Get a lot of positive comments, especially when I visit the USA. And to those who have anything negative to say, my response is "If your dad didn't have a beard (or 'tache), you've got two mums!" Thank you, "The Beards".

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