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Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Wife likes me to have a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? My beard grows very fast and it's fun to experiment with because of that. I grow it out, shave it off, reshape it, change it easily. I've been sporting "Friendly Mutton Chops" for the most part since 2010.
Keywords: mutton_chops


Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Wife likes me to have a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? My beard grows very fast and it's fun to experiment with because of that. I grow it out, shave it off, reshape it, change it easily. I've been sporting "Friendly Mutton Chops" for the most part since 2010.

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