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beard galleries

Jordan Raycroft
Bearded since: 2010. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I've been scoping out the galleries at since I was in high school. I knew that once I was able to, I had to grow a beard. Now I'm hooked. Besides, don't all great musicians have beards? (I write my own music, check it out! [url][/url])

How do I feel about my beard? My beard is a part of me. I feel naked without it.
Keywords: full_beard

Jordan Raycroft

Bearded since: 2010. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I've been scoping out the galleries at since I was in high school. I knew that once I was able to, I had to grow a beard. Now I'm hooked. Besides, don't all great musicians have beards? (I write my own music, check it out!

How do I feel about my beard? My beard is a part of me. I feel naked without it.

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