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Bill B.
Bearded since: 1981. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?  The businessmen and politicians who run our country are all clean shaven. It was the bearded men from hippies to Jesus that were modeling a different, alternative, more gentle form of masculinity. I identify with alternatives to the mainstream.

How do I feel about my beard? I love having a beard. I wish I could grow a full bushy beard.  But it doesn't grow high on the sides of my face and there is a lot of gray in it.  So the full beard look is one I can't pull off.  So I'm a little beard challenged but I would never shave it off.
Keywords: full_beard

Bill B.

Bearded since: 1981. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? The businessmen and politicians who run our country are all clean shaven. It was the bearded men from hippies to Jesus that were modeling a different, alternative, more gentle form of masculinity. I identify with alternatives to the mainstream.

How do I feel about my beard? I love having a beard. I wish I could grow a full bushy beard. But it doesn't grow high on the sides of my face and there is a lot of gray in it. So the full beard look is one I can't pull off. So I'm a little beard challenged but I would never shave it off.

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