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Bearded since: 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I've always wanted one.  But I couldn't get a decent one going before.  Now it seems to be growing well. I've lost some friends (mainly the ones with children) but hey ho, they'll always be non-believers. I might be glared at in parks, but I love my new beard, even if I have confined myself to a lifetime of "looking untrustworthy". There's a career out there for me, I just know it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard like a mother, a brother, and a lover. It doesn't judge me, or my minivan, or my binoculars.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I've always wanted one. But I couldn't get a decent one going before. Now it seems to be growing well. I've lost some friends (mainly the ones with children) but hey ho, they'll always be non-believers. I might be glared at in parks, but I love my new beard, even if I have confined myself to a lifetime of "looking untrustworthy". There's a career out there for me, I just know it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard like a mother, a brother, and a lover. It doesn't judge me, or my minivan, or my binoculars.

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