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Mark B.
Bearded since: 2008. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because I was having a lazy week.  Normally I do shave and leave my goatee, but I decided against it.  Then the amount of compliments I was getting was phenomenal even off men, LOL, as I shape my beard too.  They're like what barber do you use.  I'm like, huh, none.  I do it myself.  Everyone is impressed.

How do I feel about my beard?  I adore it.  I couldn't live without it now.  The amount of dates that ask me to remove it, well hence I'm still single.  LOL.  It's me.  You don't like it, tough is my motto.   You see me like it in the pics on my profile so you now have it in the flesh, never good enough though.  LOL.
Keywords: full_beard

Mark B.

Bearded since: 2008. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because I was having a lazy week. Normally I do shave and leave my goatee, but I decided against it. Then the amount of compliments I was getting was phenomenal even off men, LOL, as I shape my beard too. They're like what barber do you use. I'm like, huh, none. I do it myself. Everyone is impressed.

How do I feel about my beard? I adore it. I couldn't live without it now. The amount of dates that ask me to remove it, well hence I'm still single. LOL. It's me. You don't like it, tough is my motto. You see me like it in the pics on my profile so you now have it in the flesh, never good enough though. LOL.

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