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Craig K.
Bearded since: 2011. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard so that I could deter local, undesirable women. However it had the opposite effect and beautiful women from all over the world would queue to feel the length of my beard. Unfortuantely I recently lost it because my lady at the time did not approve of the size of it and I sold out like a fool.  However, it is now on its way back and is going to be bigger and better than last time.

How do I feel about my beard? I really loved my beard. I do not feel the same without it.  I feel naked and less powerful in every area of life. I can't wait to get it back. I have vowed never to trim my beard for any woman ever again.
Keywords: full_beard

Craig K.

Bearded since: 2011. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard so that I could deter local, undesirable women. However it had the opposite effect and beautiful women from all over the world would queue to feel the length of my beard. Unfortuantely I recently lost it because my lady at the time did not approve of the size of it and I sold out like a fool. However, it is now on its way back and is going to be bigger and better than last time.

How do I feel about my beard? I really loved my beard. I do not feel the same without it. I feel naked and less powerful in every area of life. I can't wait to get it back. I have vowed never to trim my beard for any woman ever again.

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