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Delton R.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I decided to grow my beard because: 1) Razors are too expensive. ;)   2) I wanted the ability to say I can and you can't! HA! 3) I like the general look. I was picked on a lot in grade school and a lot of my young adulthood, but the beard knocked all of them out like Muhammad Ali!

How do I feel about my beard? I love it.  I've got a few photos here on that dont give it the justice it deserves as in this newest photo, I actually know what I'm doing. Once I learned to trim properly and to keep it nice, I'm much happier. :)
Keywords: full_beard

Delton R.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I decided to grow my beard because: 1) Razors are too expensive. ;) 2) I wanted the ability to say I can and you can't! HA! 3) I like the general look. I was picked on a lot in grade school and a lot of my young adulthood, but the beard knocked all of them out like Muhammad Ali!

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. I've got a few photos here on that dont give it the justice it deserves as in this newest photo, I actually know what I'm doing. Once I learned to trim properly and to keep it nice, I'm much happier. :)

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