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Bearded since: 1989. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because l always liked to see it on other men. I think it looks very attractive, masculine, and sympathetic. I liked also beards on historic portraits (Renaissance, for example, or 19th century) or in other cultures. Gives the image of masculinity and keeping what Nature has given to us. For me it's also a synonym of independence and freedom. I like also very much the combination of shaved head and facial hair.

I started with a goatee, then changed to beard then goatee and back to it is very curly as my hair was, it appears sometimes difficult to grow it longer, usually I trim it between 4 and 7mm. But I like it and would not like to shave it away.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1989. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because l always liked to see it on other men. I think it looks very attractive, masculine, and sympathetic. I liked also beards on historic portraits (Renaissance, for example, or 19th century) or in other cultures. Gives the image of masculinity and keeping what Nature has given to us. For me it's also a synonym of independence and freedom. I like also very much the combination of shaved head and facial hair.

I started with a goatee, then changed to beard then goatee and back to it is very curly as my hair was, it appears sometimes difficult to grow it longer, usually I trim it between 4 and 7mm. But I like it and would not like to shave it away.

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