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Bearded since: 1999.  I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?  Why not?  It's a part of me. I think beards are men's most natural "make-up".  So why go out unvarnished?

How do I feel about my beard?  Without my beard, I really hate that baby-face look. So I try different styles and my feeling changes with every shape. All in all, I wish it had some more between lips and chin and was a bit higher on the cheeks.  But I won't complain.  It's okay (I have seen many people who can't grow even that).
Keywords: goatee_mustache extended_goatee


Bearded since: 1999. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Why not? It's a part of me. I think beards are men's most natural "make-up". So why go out unvarnished?

How do I feel about my beard? Without my beard, I really hate that baby-face look. So I try different styles and my feeling changes with every shape. All in all, I wish it had some more between lips and chin and was a bit higher on the cheeks. But I won't complain. It's okay (I have seen many people who can't grow even that).

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