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Andrew S.
Bearded since: age twelve, on an off.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I started shaving in school 'cause we couldn't have facial hair. So it kind of became a thing to be different, like trying to rebel in my teens. It was kind of funny.   Well, I was always the one with a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? If my beard were a person, I would make love to it.
Keywords: full_beard

Andrew S.

Bearded since: age twelve, on an off. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I started shaving in school 'cause we couldn't have facial hair. So it kind of became a thing to be different, like trying to rebel in my teens. It was kind of funny. Well, I was always the one with a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? If my beard were a person, I would make love to it.

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