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beard galleries

Mike Ansley
Bearded since: 2000.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grow my beard and shave in to fun styles because it is a fun way to be creative with my appearance. Beards are a good time. Whether they are full beards, goatees, mustaches, long or short, thick or thin, they are a great way to play and experiment with one's appearance.

I love my beard. I know it has its shortcomings, but I think overall that it is a great beard and I feel very fortunate to have the ability and opportunity to grow it as I please.
Keywords: mutton_chops

Mike Ansley

Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grow my beard and shave in to fun styles because it is a fun way to be creative with my appearance. Beards are a good time. Whether they are full beards, goatees, mustaches, long or short, thick or thin, they are a great way to play and experiment with one's appearance.

I love my beard. I know it has its shortcomings, but I think overall that it is a great beard and I feel very fortunate to have the ability and opportunity to grow it as I please.

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