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beard galleries

Jay R.
Bearded since: 2002.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard 'cause I wanted to.  And if most of my friends are too scared or weak to grow one, I'll do it for them.  Plus the girlfriend is okay with it, which we all know is a factor in my quest for beardedness.

How do I feel about my beard?  I think it's great.  Love the thickness, length, color, and all-around appearance of it.  Plus the more gnarly it gets and long, the more compliments I get  --  especially from high school kids...don't know why, though...
Keywords: full_beard

Jay R.

Bearded since: 2002. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard 'cause I wanted to. And if most of my friends are too scared or weak to grow one, I'll do it for them. Plus the girlfriend is okay with it, which we all know is a factor in my quest for beardedness.

How do I feel about my beard? I think it's great. Love the thickness, length, color, and all-around appearance of it. Plus the more gnarly it gets and long, the more compliments I get -- especially from high school kids...don't know why, though...

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