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Casey C.
Bearded since: 2009.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because:
I've always wanted one. 
I look good with one. 
My fiance loves it. 
I'm just about the only one in my school that can grow one. 
It makes me stand out.

How do I feel about my beard?  Some areas aren't great.  But overall, it isn't half bad.
Keywords: full_beard

Casey C.

Bearded since: 2009. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because:
I've always wanted one.
I look good with one.
My fiance loves it.
I'm just about the only one in my school that can grow one.
It makes me stand out.

How do I feel about my beard? Some areas aren't great. But overall, it isn't half bad.

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