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Bearded since: 2007.   I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? First of all: because of the Viking pride! Second, it's so natural. It's like perpetuating an ancestral tradition, to answer to a mighty calling of my fathers long time gone.

How do I feel about my beard? GREAT ! It's so awesome. I like everything about it...reactions of other people when I'm talking with them..." Hey, guys. I'm seventeen years old."  I love the self-confidence that it gives to me.  Before it, I was shy, weak, and finally: lost. Now and since I'm bearded, I'm easy-going, strong, and I know who I am.

A beard isn't only hair on a face, it's a symbol of masculinity, independence, strength, wisdom, and power. 

Hail to all of you, my mighty bearded brothers!
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2007. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? First of all: because of the Viking pride! Second, it's so natural. It's like perpetuating an ancestral tradition, to answer to a mighty calling of my fathers long time gone.

How do I feel about my beard? GREAT ! It's so awesome. I like everything about it...reactions of other people when I'm talking with them..." Hey, guys. I'm seventeen years old." I love the self-confidence that it gives to me. Before it, I was shy, weak, and finally: lost. Now and since I'm bearded, I'm easy-going, strong, and I know who I am.

A beard isn't only hair on a face, it's a symbol of masculinity, independence, strength, wisdom, and power.

Hail to all of you, my mighty bearded brothers!

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