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Dave C.
Bearded since: about 1995.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard simply because I wanted a different look from the crowd.

How do I feel about my beard? Fine. I've grown my hair quite long and I feel the rough, thick, and full beard goes with it better than any type of sculpted look would. It became more and more comfortable as it grew. The only real cutting I do to it is trim the lower level of the mustache simply for ease of eating and drinking. This doesn't have to be done often anyway.
Keywords: full_beard

Dave C.

Bearded since: about 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard simply because I wanted a different look from the crowd.

How do I feel about my beard? Fine. I've grown my hair quite long and I feel the rough, thick, and full beard goes with it better than any type of sculpted look would. It became more and more comfortable as it grew. The only real cutting I do to it is trim the lower level of the mustache simply for ease of eating and drinking. This doesn't have to be done often anyway.

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