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beard galleries

Scotty W.
Bearded since: 1999. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grow a beard every winter. I work nights outdoors in all kinds of weather. It also helps to have a great job that doesn't try to tell you how you should look.

How do I feel about my beard? I LOVE MY BEARD!!! I just can't enjoy chili dogs, bar-b-q ribs, pizza, tommy burger, spaghetti, water, biscuits and gravy, eggs over medium, ...
Keywords: full_beard

Scotty W.

Bearded since: 1999. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grow a beard every winter. I work nights outdoors in all kinds of weather. It also helps to have a great job that doesn't try to tell you how you should look.

How do I feel about my beard? I LOVE MY BEARD!!! I just can't enjoy chili dogs, bar-b-q ribs, pizza, tommy burger, spaghetti, water, biscuits and gravy, eggs over medium, ...

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