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Mike D.
Bearded since: 2009.  I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I was somewhat inspired by Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard from LOST). I thought it was time for a change as I had always had a small chinstrap beard for ages. I decided to just let it go. Living in South Korea, I get many compliments on my "Soo Yum". Most Korean men cannot grow facial hair. I feel a sort of camaraderie when I see another foreigner with a beard. I'm always sure to give them a head nod.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. My girlfriend does, too. I feel so manly when I look in the mirror. I often like to look in the mirror and picture my face without the beard. I always laugh because it makes my beard look like a wig for a second.
Keywords: full_beard

Mike D.

Bearded since: 2009. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I was somewhat inspired by Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard from LOST). I thought it was time for a change as I had always had a small chinstrap beard for ages. I decided to just let it go. Living in South Korea, I get many compliments on my "Soo Yum". Most Korean men cannot grow facial hair. I feel a sort of camaraderie when I see another foreigner with a beard. I'm always sure to give them a head nod.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. My girlfriend does, too. I feel so manly when I look in the mirror. I often like to look in the mirror and picture my face without the beard. I always laugh because it makes my beard look like a wig for a second.

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