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Daniel C.
Bearded since: December 2008.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard for good luck / superstition for birth of second child and to get away from the world, as an experiment to see if I could.

How do I feel about my beard?  Apart from itching in the first three weeks, it's fine.  Although after two months, it needs professional help! Tends to get "fuzzy" looking, but it's great for the winter. Others don't like it.  Wife tolerates it, but prefers me without it. I think it's masculine.
Keywords: full_beard

Daniel C.

Bearded since: December 2008. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard for good luck / superstition for birth of second child and to get away from the world, as an experiment to see if I could.

How do I feel about my beard? Apart from itching in the first three weeks, it's fine. Although after two months, it needs professional help! Tends to get "fuzzy" looking, but it's great for the winter. Others don't like it. Wife tolerates it, but prefers me without it. I think it's masculine.

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