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Bearded since: 1998 (a few shaves and trims have happened since, though).  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for a variety of reasons.  It's natural.  We are born that way.  It also distinguishes men from the ladies.  It is easier, more comfortable, and can be let go for a few days without people noticing.  I have to admit, it does have a mystical a wizard or a prophet or something of the such...or even a sea captain or mountain man...any variety of such you could think of.  I also find that I seem to get along better with people since I have a beard.  Some people seem less intimidated by me and  are more laid back, while others seem to respect me more and are nicer. 

How do I feel about my beard?  Good.  I often wish I could grow a thicker and darker one. However, I am comfortable with it.  It's the way God made me.  Who am I to complain?
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1998 (a few shaves and trims have happened since, though). I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for a variety of reasons. It's natural. We are born that way. It also distinguishes men from the ladies. It is easier, more comfortable, and can be let go for a few days without people noticing. I have to admit, it does have a mystical a wizard or a prophet or something of the such...or even a sea captain or mountain man...any variety of such you could think of. I also find that I seem to get along better with people since I have a beard. Some people seem less intimidated by me and are more laid back, while others seem to respect me more and are nicer.

How do I feel about my beard? Good. I often wish I could grow a thicker and darker one. However, I am comfortable with it. It's the way God made me. Who am I to complain?

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