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John J.
Bearded since: 1970, off and on.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I've grown a beard, etc. off and on for different periods of time over the last forty years. It's like a form of dress to me, I think.

How do I feel about my beard?  I liked it okay, but never really kept it up. I just let it grow without realizing when it passed from neat and short to...well, too much. It was much simpler to not shave and I liked that. I would get favorable comments from men and women off and on, so that was nice.

It was a hassle eating ice cream or drinking anything. Biting down on a hamburger or sandwich usually got me a hair stuck in my teeth which was pulling my lip in after the bite I was chewing. I had to keep the mustache cut at the lip.
I don't like it anymore because it's gray.
Keywords: full_beard

John J.

Bearded since: 1970, off and on. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I've grown a beard, etc. off and on for different periods of time over the last forty years. It's like a form of dress to me, I think.

How do I feel about my beard? I liked it okay, but never really kept it up. I just let it grow without realizing when it passed from neat and short to...well, too much. It was much simpler to not shave and I liked that. I would get favorable comments from men and women off and on, so that was nice.

It was a hassle eating ice cream or drinking anything. Biting down on a hamburger or sandwich usually got me a hair stuck in my teeth which was pulling my lip in after the bite I was chewing. I had to keep the mustache cut at the lip.

I don't like it anymore because it's gray.

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