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Bearded since: 1974.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

The first beard I grew was for Klondike Days in Edmonton. Since then I have always had a beard or a horeshoe shaped moustache. Occasionally I wear only a goatee.

My beard is average, and when I was younger it was a reddish brown. Now it is grey, still with a small amount of colour.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1974. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

The first beard I grew was for Klondike Days in Edmonton. Since then I have always had a beard or a horeshoe shaped moustache. Occasionally I wear only a goatee.

My beard is average, and when I was younger it was a reddish brown. Now it is grey, still with a small amount of colour.

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