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Bearded since: 1981 ( I've shaved it a time or two).  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I'd always wanted a beard, even as a child. One of my early memories is of sitting in a bath putting the bubbles on my chin to see what a beard would look like.

I'm very pleased with it. Having experimented with many different styles I now wear my beard without a moustache. I also feel that as I get older a longer beard is more fitting.
Keywords: chin_curtain


Bearded since: 1981 ( I've shaved it a time or two). I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I'd always wanted a beard, even as a child. One of my early memories is of sitting in a bath putting the bubbles on my chin to see what a beard would look like.

I'm very pleased with it. Having experimented with many different styles I now wear my beard without a moustache. I also feel that as I get older a longer beard is more fitting.

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