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Bearded since: 2006, a few weeks ago.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard to make all the ladies stop looking at me. This way I'm slightly older and grizzled looking, so I can get some solitude.

I feel that I'd like to know how long it would take to grow a beard like the wizard from [i]Lord of the Rings[/i]...that's what I want to know...I love it...but it's too itchy sometimes. And sometimes I tend to tug on it habitually until I get sore.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2006, a few weeks ago. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard to make all the ladies stop looking at me. This way I'm slightly older and grizzled looking, so I can get some solitude.

I feel that I'd like to know how long it would take to grow a beard like the wizard from Lord of the Rings...that's what I want to know...I love it...but it's too itchy sometimes. And sometimes I tend to tug on it habitually until I get sore.

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