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Jean Luc Malandain
Bearded since: 1966. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.
I grew my beard first as a "contrary" young man, in the pre-1968 period, at the same time as I grew my hair... Apart from the Beatles, my "model" then was John Mayall, whose "goat" looked so elegant to me..! 40 years later, I still believe in any "meaning" in wearing a beard and long hair... And whenever I made the mistake of cutting one or the other... I felt soooo coooold ..!

How do I feel about my beard? Fine, thanks ..! I'm happy it's turning to silver-grey... And "they" say "they" never felt such a soft and teasing one..!
Keywords: sideburns goatee_mustache

Jean Luc Malandain

Bearded since: 1966. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.
I grew my beard first as a "contrary" young man, in the pre-1968 period, at the same time as I grew my hair... Apart from the Beatles, my "model" then was John Mayall, whose "goat" looked so elegant to me..! 40 years later, I still believe in any "meaning" in wearing a beard and long hair... And whenever I made the mistake of cutting one or the other... I felt soooo coooold ..!

How do I feel about my beard? Fine, thanks ..! I'm happy it's turning to silver-grey... And "they" say "they" never felt such a soft and teasing one..!

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