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Scotty M.
Bearded since: 2004.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I was in the Navy from 2000-2004. After having to shave every day for four years, with punishment looming for the slightest stubble, I have shaved to the skin only a handful of times for a few weeks at a time since.

How do I feel about my beard?  My beard is a sign of freedom, which I had to fight for and I feel I deserve.
Keywords: full_beard

Scotty M.

Bearded since: 2004. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I was in the Navy from 2000-2004. After having to shave every day for four years, with punishment looming for the slightest stubble, I have shaved to the skin only a handful of times for a few weeks at a time since.

How do I feel about my beard? My beard is a sign of freedom, which I had to fight for and I feel I deserve.

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