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Phil Copeland
Bearded since: 1990. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because, in my late 40s, I underwent a period of high stress in my personal life and my already thinning hair became almost non-existent on top after that. I decided to compensate (experimentally) with a beard, having only had the occasional mustache prior to that. I have only been beardless once in the past fifteen years because of a theatrical production need. Love my whiskers. I am also now a dedicated bald-by-choice man too. I love my beard and will never be without a beard of some kind, either a full set or a goatee, depending on how the mood takes me. 
Keywords: goatee_mustache

Phil Copeland

Bearded since: 1990. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because, in my late 40s, I underwent a period of high stress in my personal life and my already thinning hair became almost non-existent on top after that. I decided to compensate (experimentally) with a beard, having only had the occasional mustache prior to that. I have only been beardless once in the past fifteen years because of a theatrical production need. Love my whiskers. I am also now a dedicated bald-by-choice man too. I love my beard and will never be without a beard of some kind, either a full set or a goatee, depending on how the mood takes me.

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