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Rob Seibert
Bearded since: 1995.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I look much better with a beard. I also do not like having to shave. My beard is as thick as nails, and you can hide stuff in it. Without a beard, my face looks too feminine. I appear sick or emaciated without a beard. When humankind was created, beards came with the package. It is unnatural to shave it off. In Hebrew culture, only pagan idolaters would shave or trim their beards. Shaving for the purpose of vanity goes against the Torah, where it states "do not mar the edges of the beard" and "do not round the hair at the temples".

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard, and prefer to have a full, completely untrimmed and unshaven beard. I prefer to have an Orthodox Jewish style beard, but my job requires I keep it short. Presently, I am using a little chutzpah, and just going for it. I have not shaved in two weeks, and I don't plan on shaving for a long time, if not forever. I can keep the length trimmed with scissors, but that's about it. Awhile back, in the year 2000, I was living in a hippie commune, and I was able to let all my hair grow for an entire year. I looked great! I would love to have a job that doesn't discriminate against beards...
Keywords: full_beard

Rob Seibert

Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I look much better with a beard. I also do not like having to shave. My beard is as thick as nails, and you can hide stuff in it. Without a beard, my face looks too feminine. I appear sick or emaciated without a beard. When humankind was created, beards came with the package. It is unnatural to shave it off. In Hebrew culture, only pagan idolaters would shave or trim their beards. Shaving for the purpose of vanity goes against the Torah, where it states "do not mar the edges of the beard" and "do not round the hair at the temples".

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard, and prefer to have a full, completely untrimmed and unshaven beard. I prefer to have an Orthodox Jewish style beard, but my job requires I keep it short. Presently, I am using a little chutzpah, and just going for it. I have not shaved in two weeks, and I don't plan on shaving for a long time, if not forever. I can keep the length trimmed with scissors, but that's about it. Awhile back, in the year 2000, I was living in a hippie commune, and I was able to let all my hair grow for an entire year. I looked great! I would love to have a job that doesn't discriminate against beards...

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