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Bob J.
Bearded since: 1974. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I was a teenager, I was one of three guys in my high school who could grow a decent beard. I've always liked the look and low maintenance, plus it's somewhat of a small fraternity.

It's always been a slightly different color than my head hair, more red. Now it's getting a bit gray around the muzzle, and I figure in about five years it's going to be complete. My beard (except the first attempt) has always been good and full, no matter how long I let it get. My wife will complain on the rare occasions I shave down to a goatee or moustache, so I usually grow it right back.
Keywords: full_beard

Bob J.

Bearded since: 1974. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I was a teenager, I was one of three guys in my high school who could grow a decent beard. I've always liked the look and low maintenance, plus it's somewhat of a small fraternity.

It's always been a slightly different color than my head hair, more red. Now it's getting a bit gray around the muzzle, and I figure in about five years it's going to be complete. My beard (except the first attempt) has always been good and full, no matter how long I let it get. My wife will complain on the rare occasions I shave down to a goatee or moustache, so I usually grow it right back.

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