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Bearded since: 1993.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I was on holiday in New Mexico in the spring of 1993 with a loved one who was nearing death. As I came to grips with that reality in such a beautiful and spiritual place, I was inspired to try growing a beard like his so that I would always have something very close by to remember him.

How do I feel about my beard? The initial beard growing process was slow for me, and I was very doubtful that the final appearance would be satisfying. I already had a reasonably nice mustache, so I kept faith that the beard might turn out well, too. After many weeks of doubt while nature took it course, I was satisfied with the result. My beard is not as full as I would have liked, but it is nice and of very little maintenance. Trimmed any shorter and it wouldn't be much of a beard, and grown any longer and it would look too unkempt. Now that I have it just right, I love my beard.  It has become a part of me that I would never want to surrender.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1993. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I was on holiday in New Mexico in the spring of 1993 with a loved one who was nearing death. As I came to grips with that reality in such a beautiful and spiritual place, I was inspired to try growing a beard like his so that I would always have something very close by to remember him.

How do I feel about my beard? The initial beard growing process was slow for me, and I was very doubtful that the final appearance would be satisfying. I already had a reasonably nice mustache, so I kept faith that the beard might turn out well, too. After many weeks of doubt while nature took it course, I was satisfied with the result. My beard is not as full as I would have liked, but it is nice and of very little maintenance. Trimmed any shorter and it wouldn't be much of a beard, and grown any longer and it would look too unkempt. Now that I have it just right, I love my beard. It has become a part of me that I would never want to surrender.

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