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Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Had a goatee for four years. Didn't ever think I could get full growth on my chops until I went and tried it. Now I'm never going back.

How do I feel about my beard? With the dissolution of gender in our Brave New Society, the beard is one of the remaining bastions of common sense and manhood. It's a quiet rebuttal of the fanatic-feminist destruction of difference.
My beard is pretty standard but my mustache is unique. Not every guy has mustache hairs that grow straight out sideways. I have a weak chin naturally and the beard corrects for that. Makes formal hats more doable. A portion of my beard hairs come out red, but most are black. This makes genetic sense -- French and English. 
Keywords: full_Beard


Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Had a goatee for four years. Didn't ever think I could get full growth on my chops until I went and tried it. Now I'm never going back.

How do I feel about my beard? With the dissolution of gender in our Brave New Society, the beard is one of the remaining bastions of common sense and manhood. It's a quiet rebuttal of the fanatic-feminist destruction of difference.
My beard is pretty standard but my mustache is unique. Not every guy has mustache hairs that grow straight out sideways. I have a weak chin naturally and the beard corrects for that. Makes formal hats more doable. A portion of my beard hairs come out red, but most are black. This makes genetic sense -- French and English.

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