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Justin T.
Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

From Justin's wife: I'm submitting this pic on behalf of my kick-@ss husband. I can't tell you how much grief I got from tons of ladies for letting him keep his beard. But his beard is awesome. As for him and why he grew it, he's always been a chameleon where facial hair is involved. I guess he just decided to see what a full beard would feel/look like and he fell in love. The rest is history.

How do I feel about my beard? Justin's wife says, "He's a fan of the beard. Big time. It definitely completes his look and matches his personality. Don't ever think he'll go beardless again."
Keywords: full_beard

Justin T.

Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

From Justin's wife: I'm submitting this pic on behalf of my kick-@ss husband. I can't tell you how much grief I got from tons of ladies for letting him keep his beard. But his beard is awesome. As for him and why he grew it, he's always been a chameleon where facial hair is involved. I guess he just decided to see what a full beard would feel/look like and he fell in love. The rest is history.

How do I feel about my beard? Justin's wife says, "He's a fan of the beard. Big time. It definitely completes his look and matches his personality. Don't ever think he'll go beardless again."

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