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Chris Leavy
Bearded since: 1976.  I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I'm not sure. It seemed like the thing to do. I'd always admired beards and wanted one, but I'm so ADD (attention deficit disorder) that I have a hard time keeping any one style for very long. Currently, I'm 10 months into a year-beard experiment, which is the longest I've ever gone without changing my beard.

How do I feel about my beard?  After over 30 years of beardedness, I think it's safe to say I enjoy having a beard. I'm more comfortable with one than without.
Keywords: full_beard

Chris Leavy

Bearded since: 1976. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I'm not sure. It seemed like the thing to do. I'd always admired beards and wanted one, but I'm so ADD (attention deficit disorder) that I have a hard time keeping any one style for very long. Currently, I'm 10 months into a year-beard experiment, which is the longest I've ever gone without changing my beard.

How do I feel about my beard? After over 30 years of beardedness, I think it's safe to say I enjoy having a beard. I'm more comfortable with one than without.

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