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Bearded since: 2003. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard to scare people. Just kidding, just've always maintained some type of beard. Very low. January of 2005 I was curious on how long I can let it grow without cutting it. I went for 2 months and trimmed it, with a big regret. So I tried again and here I am. I'm used to it now. Can't imagine cutting it. I do trim it often, but very lightly. I'm going for the gusto.

I love it. I do feel though that it won't grow the way I wanted it to grow because I actually lined it up right along my jawline. I think I should have let it start growing a little under my jawline. We will see what happens. 
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2003. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard to scare people. Just kidding, just've always maintained some type of beard. Very low. January of 2005 I was curious on how long I can let it grow without cutting it. I went for 2 months and trimmed it, with a big regret. So I tried again and here I am. I'm used to it now. Can't imagine cutting it. I do trim it often, but very lightly. I'm going for the gusto.

I love it. I do feel though that it won't grow the way I wanted it to grow because I actually lined it up right along my jawline. I think I should have let it start growing a little under my jawline. We will see what happens.

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