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beard galleries

Brian G.
Bearded since: 2003.

I grew my beard because I felt that I needed to make a step forward in manhood. A beard is a sign of commitment.  It takes patience, time, and effort for your inner beard and outer beard to come together.  And when it does, it is truly a magical moment. People think I'm crazy, but bearding is a spiritual journey as well as a physical.

How do I feel about my beard? It's the weight of manhood growing on your face.
Keywords: full_beard

Brian G.

Bearded since: 2003.

I grew my beard because I felt that I needed to make a step forward in manhood. A beard is a sign of commitment. It takes patience, time, and effort for your inner beard and outer beard to come together. And when it does, it is truly a magical moment. People think I'm crazy, but bearding is a spiritual journey as well as a physical.

How do I feel about my beard? It's the weight of manhood growing on your face.

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