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Bearded since: 2009. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? To cover up my face, so I'd look better. That's why men grow beards.  It makes them awesome. It was a matter of logic; that and the dead batteries of my trimmer.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel awesome.  People are actually afraid to look me in the eye.  It's pretty funny. Suddenly I am able to claim a fair share of dominance over my fellow men. That being said, it doesn't seem to impress the ladies, at least not to my knowledge. That's quite odd, if I may say so, in the stupid way. Most of all, I like the teachings of my beard. Life is just like a beard.  The beard doesn't grow at the same rate as the individual hairs do. The longer hairs fall out, starting all over again, and all together they form the mighty beard. And a mighty beard sure itches.  And the more you try to scratch, the more it starts to itch. Life is just like that.  It itches everywhere around us.  And the more we try to scratch, the more it itches. The mighty beard teaches us to let things be. Just go with what you have instead of trying to have what you will go with.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2009. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? To cover up my face, so I'd look better. That's why men grow beards. It makes them awesome. It was a matter of logic; that and the dead batteries of my trimmer.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel awesome. People are actually afraid to look me in the eye. It's pretty funny. Suddenly I am able to claim a fair share of dominance over my fellow men. That being said, it doesn't seem to impress the ladies, at least not to my knowledge. That's quite odd, if I may say so, in the stupid way. Most of all, I like the teachings of my beard. Life is just like a beard. The beard doesn't grow at the same rate as the individual hairs do. The longer hairs fall out, starting all over again, and all together they form the mighty beard. And a mighty beard sure itches. And the more you try to scratch, the more it starts to itch. Life is just like that. It itches everywhere around us. And the more we try to scratch, the more it itches. The mighty beard teaches us to let things be. Just go with what you have instead of trying to have what you will go with.

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