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Jonny C.
Bearded since: I could first grow one. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why do I feel about my beard? When I started I thought it was just cool. I've grown a "beard" ever since I could get a few whiskers on my chin. Since then I've been clean-shaven twice. That was around twelve years ago. Now I get family and family friends telling me how much I look like my dad. I realize that a big, subconscious part must have been to remind me of him.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like I have an awesome beard. It is a part of me. I see fuller, grander beards time and again, but I love my beard.
Keywords: full_beard

Jonny C.

Bearded since: I could first grow one. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why do I feel about my beard? When I started I thought it was just cool. I've grown a "beard" ever since I could get a few whiskers on my chin. Since then I've been clean-shaven twice. That was around twelve years ago. Now I get family and family friends telling me how much I look like my dad. I realize that a big, subconscious part must have been to remind me of him.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like I have an awesome beard. It is a part of me. I see fuller, grander beards time and again, but I love my beard.

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