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Glen F.
Bearded since: 1991. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? My first beard I grew in high school, because I could like no one else. Facial hair kept changing over the next decade. Then got together with my now-ex-wife and she insisted I keep growing it, which I allowed to my belly button. Then I got tired of it being demanded (I'm a bit anti-authority) so I shaved a few summers ago. Let it grow back and kept trimmed until October 2012.  Since then, I've let it go.

How do I feel about my beard? I've had a mixed relationship with it owing to a nagging ex-wife, but we are now at peace and I'm proud to grow such a great one.
Keywords: full_beard

Glen F.

Bearded since: 1991. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? My first beard I grew in high school, because I could like no one else. Facial hair kept changing over the next decade. Then got together with my now-ex-wife and she insisted I keep growing it, which I allowed to my belly button. Then I got tired of it being demanded (I'm a bit anti-authority) so I shaved a few summers ago. Let it grow back and kept trimmed until October 2012. Since then, I've let it go.

How do I feel about my beard? I've had a mixed relationship with it owing to a nagging ex-wife, but we are now at peace and I'm proud to grow such a great one.

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