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Bearded since: 2007.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because I think beards are crazy sexy. I love the feel of a beard on my face. I want to project the masculinity and ruggedness that I admire in men with great beards. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which gets pretty cold in the winter and offers a lot of outdoor recreation. A lot of guys in their 20s, 30s and 40s (some of them college students) sport some nice beards in the area. This website and several models on here have particularly inspired me. 

I love my beard.  Although honestly, I wish it were a shade or two lighter brown and slightly higher on my cheeks. Light brown beards seem to show more dimension. That said, I'm glad I'm a furry guy and can grow a nice full beard. I'm about four weeks into my new beard and I'm already getting attention. It feels great. I started letting the wispy hairs higher on my cheeks grow out just to add a fuller look. I also had my head shaved, bringing emphasis to the beard.

See also: [url=]Chris' beard feature[/url].
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2007. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because I think beards are crazy sexy. I love the feel of a beard on my face. I want to project the masculinity and ruggedness that I admire in men with great beards. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which gets pretty cold in the winter and offers a lot of outdoor recreation. A lot of guys in their 20s, 30s and 40s (some of them college students) sport some nice beards in the area. This website and several models on here have particularly inspired me.

I love my beard. Although honestly, I wish it were a shade or two lighter brown and slightly higher on my cheeks. Light brown beards seem to show more dimension. That said, I'm glad I'm a furry guy and can grow a nice full beard. I'm about four weeks into my new beard and I'm already getting attention. It feels great. I started letting the wispy hairs higher on my cheeks grow out just to add a fuller look. I also had my head shaved, bringing emphasis to the beard.

See also: Chris' beard feature.

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