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Wade W.
Bearded since: 1994. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I just grew one once and loved having it. Beards are awesome!!!! I started out growing a goatee with a mustache and then moved to just a goatee. I have sported a soul patch only a couple of times. I have also done a shorter, full beard. However, minus just three or four times, I have had some kind of facial hair since 1994. I just started doing the long, full beard, in December 2011 but shaved in April of 2012, just after the pics of me were done. I am back to a long, full beard that I have been growing since October 22, 2012. It actually looks like the pics again.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it!! It's warm and I look like I could've been buddies with William Wallace...or a Viking.
Keywords: full_beard

Wade W.

Bearded since: 1994. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I just grew one once and loved having it. Beards are awesome!!!! I started out growing a goatee with a mustache and then moved to just a goatee. I have sported a soul patch only a couple of times. I have also done a shorter, full beard. However, minus just three or four times, I have had some kind of facial hair since 1994. I just started doing the long, full beard, in December 2011 but shaved in April of 2012, just after the pics of me were done. I am back to a long, full beard that I have been growing since October 22, 2012. It actually looks like the pics again.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it!! It's warm and I look like I could've been buddies with William Wallace...or a Viking.

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