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Clifford W.
Bearded since: 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

I first grew my beard because I recently got out of the Navy and was able to do so. Then I watched the 2011 beard finals and decided I wanted an epic beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel it is a young, yet decent, full beard and maybe one day I will be a competitor in the beard competitions.
Keywords: full_beard

Clifford W.

Bearded since: 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

I first grew my beard because I recently got out of the Navy and was able to do so. Then I watched the 2011 beard finals and decided I wanted an epic beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel it is a young, yet decent, full beard and maybe one day I will be a competitor in the beard competitions.

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