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Jason G.
Bearded since: 1991. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard in the hospital after a major surgery. I was too sick to stand up at the sink. I have loved it ever since! And so does my wife.

How do I feel about my beard? I see my beard as part of my identity after so many years. It makes my life easier. I do have a response to those that will say that my cheek line is too low. It is too low, but I would not look good with a natural line. (I hope this does not exclude me from full beard status) I am studying for the ministry, and leaving an area where my mother, the church ladies, and the children can kiss me is essential.
Keywords: full_beard

Jason G.

Bearded since: 1991. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard in the hospital after a major surgery. I was too sick to stand up at the sink. I have loved it ever since! And so does my wife.

How do I feel about my beard? I see my beard as part of my identity after so many years. It makes my life easier. I do have a response to those that will say that my cheek line is too low. It is too low, but I would not look good with a natural line. (I hope this does not exclude me from full beard status) I am studying for the ministry, and leaving an area where my mother, the church ladies, and the children can kiss me is essential.

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