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Mick M.
Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Why not? Why would someone shave their beard?

How do I feel about my beard? Love my beard. Love grooming my beard. Love when my kids see my beard all brushed out and get excited because they can see that it is getting longer. Love when my wife runs her fingers through my beard. Love my beard. 
Keywords: full_beard

Mick M.

Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Why not? Why would someone shave their beard?

How do I feel about my beard? Love my beard. Love grooming my beard. Love when my kids see my beard all brushed out and get excited because they can see that it is getting longer. Love when my wife runs her fingers through my beard. Love my beard.

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