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Damian "Danny" P.
Bearded since: July 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

Had different styles of facial hair for about five years or so ( imperial , winfield , soul patch , big Elvis sideburns , etc., etc.
But decided to let it grow out for a year for easy maintenance and to see how long it gets.

How do I feel about my beard? It's coming on okay, a bit sparse where on the cheeks at the side of the mustache area. But overall, happy enough!!
Keywords: full_beard

Damian "Danny" P.

Bearded since: July 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

Had different styles of facial hair for about five years or so ( imperial , winfield , soul patch , big Elvis sideburns , etc., etc.
But decided to let it grow out for a year for easy maintenance and to see how long it gets.

How do I feel about my beard? It's coming on okay, a bit sparse where on the cheeks at the side of the mustache area. But overall, happy enough!!

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