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Martin Manning
Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I was in high school, and college: and when I HAD hair, I looked a lot like David Cassidy, which was something I didn't like. But, since it was the 70s/80s I didn't think too much about it. I was in a play where I had to grow out my beard. I really liked NOT looking androgynous, and felt I was onto something cool. I've kept it since, and with the exception of trimming hack jobs, I've been trying to get it fuller since.

I like that it's curly, and over time its gotten much fuller. I do wish it was higher on my cheeks, and that my sideburns were thicker. 
Keywords: full_beard

Martin Manning

Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I was in high school, and college: and when I HAD hair, I looked a lot like David Cassidy, which was something I didn't like. But, since it was the 70s/80s I didn't think too much about it. I was in a play where I had to grow out my beard. I really liked NOT looking androgynous, and felt I was onto something cool. I've kept it since, and with the exception of trimming hack jobs, I've been trying to get it fuller since.

I like that it's curly, and over time its gotten much fuller. I do wish it was higher on my cheeks, and that my sideburns were thicker.

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